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Ah hahahhaa, I wasn't thinking about that chapter. 😂😂 I was thinking about the chapter I wrote yesterday. Nah, that captain was really a womaniser, a Latin lover. Not very loyal to women but very loyal to his duty. Thank you about the imagination!

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Let it be known that you followed me yesterday, and I don’t quite know why. And now you’ve unfollowed me.

You may not think this is a marriage bureau, but some do. And why would you think I’d be interested in marrying you? I’m very traditional. Female-female union is not my thing.

I had a tête-à-tête with someone in this little corner of the internet, but my poetry was pedestrian and his pieds would not walk to my door. I can’t imagine why a bedazzling principessa such as yourself, a learned and well-travelled polymath, could possibly be interested in my verbiage. Have a nice day!

PS: it’s unusual for a European to use the word ‘nah’. Have you spent time in Australia?

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may 24·editado may 24Autor

Yes, that's true and I don't know why I would deny it. I did it because on a first reading of your Substack, I thought it was interesting. I normally follow people on a first reading of their Twitter, Substack, LinkedIn etc and then I read what they write more calmly, so I can understand their intelectual positions and comment about what they have written. After yesterday's conversation, I really don't know what your game is and so I am not comfortable. No, I have never thought you were trying anything with me, but you asked me about what my preferences were regarding men only because I had written about a not very tall man in something that is fiction... Fantasy in fact. As I don't think this is a marriage bureau, I never thought I had to answer about any of my sexual preferences in normal life in a public platform and being judged by that. No, I'm not interested in women at all and I haven't been interested in any of them at any point in my life (including yourself, just in case there is any doubt). But reading one chapter (there are 17 published by now and more on the way) with nearly all the characters being men, and only speaking about the height of one of the characters is somewhat (how can I put it) ehhh, silly? Much more to infer that I like short men because of that. And before that naming all the countries in Europe because you didn't like Spain. That is why I don't know what your problem is and I unfollowed you. I hope I have been clear enough.

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With the greatest respect Ms James, you are not telling the truth. My page stats are as transparent as dried up pods of honesty. There has been no-one reading it, apart from my Latin lover, master manipulator, love of my life. I bid you good day, and tip my toque to your rich and everlasting imagination. I hope that’s got you invigorated 😉!

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‘all the countries in Europe’ - hyperbole perhaps. You sound quite defensive Ms James.

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‘Fantasy in fact’ - what an interesting sentence that is.

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What did you find interesting about my writing?

Only of course, if I’m not keeping you from your rest - it must be very early in the morning in Spain.

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Nice story. I'm very fond of authors enamoured with stumpitude. Maybe I just can't shake short men. Pity, maybe my 6'2 dreamboat is around the corner. Do you find short men attractive, Mercedes?

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may 23·editado may 23Autor

Oh I didn't think that Substack was a marriage bureau. I thought this was a place to write stories. When has that been changed?

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And you might like to consider that the captain's woman was not engaged, but wore his ring - a pretend one - until he gave her the real one. The plot thickens. But you have a wonderful imagination. I admire it very much.

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